用灵魂跳舞 藏族舞者白玛次仁个人创作及表演专场《根》
- 舞蹈演出
- 2018-11-09
- 386
演出时间:2014年8月5日地点:北京保利剧院总导演:白玛次仁演员:白玛次仁 索朗群旦 卢江波 张潇枫 刘泽 益西旦增 张逸非 董杨 骆海鸿 黄闻捷
RootsWeare going to face the conflict of modern culture and traditional culture. Whentraditional culture rotted by modern culture,where should the traditionalculture go? Itdoes not mean that traditional culture and modern culture cannot coexist.Theyneed to merge each other and address the contradictories continuously,which maybe the best explanation.Asthe younger generation,we have the obligation and responsibility to reignitethe brightness of traditional culture.Wewill find that traditional culture and modern culture could balance themselvesin certain areas,and Root will have it all explained. Root,thecradle of primary,breeding,feeding,educating;Root,thehome of spirituality,peace,pure,true; Root,thefetter of tenderness,care,bloodline,origin;Root,theboundless support,free,inclusive,purifying…….
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